Engineering Entrance Exams
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AMIE (Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers)

The Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (popularly known as AMIE) is a professional certification given by Institution of Engineers (India). The qualification can be earned by passing Section A, Project Work and& Section B examination of the Institution.

IE (I) conducts an examination for Associate Membership. This examination is considered to be on par with B.E. / B.Tech. when contemplated as an eligibility qualification to write competitive examinations like the Civil Services, Indian Engineering Services, GATE, etc., and for placement in government, the public and private sectors.

There are 2 sections, namely Section A and Section B, in this examination. Section A is common for all candidates aspiring to acquire an AMIE (India). Under Section B, a particular discipline of engineering has to be chosen from among the streams offered.



A list of qualifying examinations is given below:



Eligibility Conditions for various classes of membership: (Technician / Senior Technician Members)
I Technician Members:

Candidates can directly become Technician Members if they have a minimum qualification of a pass in the Standard XII Examination (45% minimum aggregate).

II Senior Technician Members:

For selection as a Senior Technician Member or for transfer from being a Technician Member to a Senior Technician Member, candidates must satisfy the following conditions:

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Exam Pattern:

There are 2 sections, namely Section A and Section B, in this examination. Section A is common for all candidates. Under Section B, a particular discipline of engineering has to be chosen from among the streams offered.
Section-A Examination
Tech Members who have been on the roll of the Institution of Engineers for a year are eligible to appear in the non-diploma stream examination based on their date of election to membership.Sr Tech Members can appear in the diploma stream.
The examinations are held twice every year, called Summer and Winter examinations, normally in May / June and November / December respectively.

Subjects in Section A examination are:

Diploma Stream:


Non-Diploma Stream:


NOTE: Section A examination is common for all. Basic Sciences, Engineering Sciences andCommunication are covered to prepare the candidate, after project work, to move on to Section B by choosing a particular discipline from among the streams offered.

Section B Examination
After Section A, the student has to complete a project work over a period of one year and only on the basis of satisfactory professional competence report, he / she will be admitted to appear for the Section B examination.
This consists of 9 papers of which 6 are compulsory and 3 optional. Currently, only the following branches of engineering are covered:

    Architecture Engg
    Chemical Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Computer Science & Engineering
    Electrical Engineering
    Electronics and Communications Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering
    Mining Engineering
    Production Engineering
    Textile Engineering


Scheme of the Examination:

Each paper is 3 hours long (unless specifically mentioned otherwise in the list of subjects).
The maximum number of papers a candidate can appear at a time is:
Section A : 4 papers
Section B : 4 papers
By virtue of this, Section B can not be completed in less than 1.5 years, section A can not be completed in less than 2 years for Non-Diploma stream and 1 year for Diploma stream. Six months are devoted to Project and/or laboratory work. In addition, person shall be employed and engaged in engineering activities during the period.
