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Engineering Entrance Exams



The engineering entrance exams are considered, as significant, especially in India, because most of the students in the country aim for engineering studies, immediately after their 12th standards.
Find top Engineering Entrance Exams in India.


1. AIEEE: (All India Engineering Entrance Examination)

All India Engineering Entrance Examination  (AIEEE) is one of the most prestigious engineering Entrance Examination of India. It is the gateway for admission into first year's professional degree courses i.e. Engineering, Pharmacy and  Architecture (B.E, B.Tech, B.Arch, B.Pharm, B.Des Etc) offered through various AIEEE Colleges across India like National Institute of Technology (NITs ), IIITs, Deemed Universities etc.

2. IIT JEE (IIT Joint Entrance Exam)

IIT Joint Entrance Exam, popularly known as IIT JEE, is conducted every year on a rotational basis, by the 15 Indian Institutes of Technology, as well as Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU) Varanasi and Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad. The entrance test is conducted for admission of candidates into various undergraduate and postgraduate level courses in the field of engineering, Pharmacy and design, offered by these institutes.

3. BITSAT(BITS Admission Test)

BITSAT 2012 is an entrance examination for admission in B.E Hons, B.Pharm Hons, M.Sc Hons and M.Sc Tech in Birla Institute of Technology & Science – BITS, Pilani. Students who have passed class 12th, or who are studying in class 12th with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects, are eligible to write the BITSAT.



4.NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture)

NATA 2012 – National Aptitude Test in Architecture is entrance exam for admission into Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree program. NATA 2012 score is admission criteria in different Government, Govt. Aided & unaided schools / colleges of Architecture. NATA 2012 score is used as parameter for accessing architecture aptitude of engineering aspirants.

5.VITEEE(Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam)

VITEEE - Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) is an admission test conducted by VIT, Vellore. On the basis of score in VITEEE candidates get admission in the first year of engineering degree programs like B.E (Bachelor of Engineering) and B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) etc.

6.IIIT-PGEE(International Institue of Information Technology-Post Graduate Entrance Examinations)

International Institue of Information Technology-Post Graduate Entrance Examinations (IIT PGEE) is an admission test conducted by International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H) for admission to PG programmes.

7. AEEE (Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination)

Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination (AEEE) is an admission test conducted by Amrita University, for admission into undergraduate level programme in technology (Bachelor of Technology).

8. SRMEEE (SRM Engineering Entrance Exam)

SRM Engineering Entrance Exam  (SRMEEE) is conducted every year by SRM University in Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, which is a deemed university. The entrance examination is mandatory for admission into engineering, technical, architecture and designing program at both undergraduate as well as at postgraduate level along with Master of Business Administration, Computer Application, and M.S. program in Total Quality Management (TQM), Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

9. MP-PET(Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test)

MP PET 2012 - Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test conducted by Professional Examination Board (PEB), Bhopal also known as Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal or VYAPAM. The MP PET 2012 examination is meant for those candidates, who want to take admission in any of the engineering colleges of the state for under graduate program. All the colleges situated within Madhya Pradesh offers seats in Under Graduate courses into different engineering degree programs on the basis of MP PET merit.

10. JMIEE (Jamia Milia Islamia entrance examination)

Jamia Milia Islamia entrance examination (JMI 2012 EE) for admission to the various courses offered by Jamia Milia Islamia University.Jamia Milia Islamia conducts separate entrance examination for admission to its B.Tech course every year. Students have to give their best in this exam in order to get admission in their course of interest. Admission to B.Tech is based on an entrance test and an interview.

11.GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2012 (GATE 2012), is an all India examination conducted jointly by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, on behalf of the National Coordinating Board - GATE 2012, Ministry of Human Resources Development.

12.EAMCET(Engineering,Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test)

EAMCET- Engineering, Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University(JNTU), Hyderabad for entry into the professional and technical colleges in Andhra Pradesh on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education.

13.AMUEEE (Aligarh Muslim University Engineering Entrance Examination)

AMU EEE - AMU Engineering Entrance Examination is conducted by Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) for the purpose of admission into different Under Graduate (UG) engineering degree programs offered at Faculty of Engineering & Technology – Aligarh Muslim University.

14. SMIT UGET 2012 | 2011

Sikkim Manipal University Engineering Entrance Examination is conducted by Sikkim Manipal University for admission to the 4 year B.Tech and 5 year B.Tech MBA integrated course.

15. UPSEE (Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination)

Uttar Pradesh State Government conducts State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) every year for admitting students to degree courses in Engineering / Pharmacy / Architecture / Hotel Management and Post Graduate courses MCA / MBA of State Government aided and private unaided institutions affiliated to U.P. Technical University along with some other Universities of Uttar Pradesh.

16.WB JEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination)

WBJEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination) is conducted by the WBJEB (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board) for admission into various undergraduate courses in Engineering / Technology / Medical / Dental / Veterinary and Pharmacy in Universities / Colleges in West Bengal and B. Arch Course in Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur and Jadavpur University.

17. TNEA (Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions)

Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions(T.N.E.A) conducted by Anna University, Chennai for Admission to the first year B.E/ B.Tech Degree Courses in University Departments of Anna Universities, Government and Government Aided Engineering Colleges and for the seats surrendered by the Self Financing Engineering Colleges.

18. K-CET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test)

Karnataka Engineering Entrance Exams, known as Common Entrance Test, is held every year to select students for admission in engineering courses in the institutions/colleges in Karnataka. It is under the Karnataka Examinations Authority, Government of Karnataka.

19. RPET (Rajasthan Pre-Entrance Test)

RPET 2012 - Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test is conducted by Rajasthan Technical University, Akelgarh, Rawatbhata Road, KOTA on behalf of Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan fOr admission into first-year of different undergraduate engineering / architecture / pharmacy / diploma in pharmacy programs offered into various colleges across the state of Rajasthan.

20. Orissa-JEE (Orissa Joint Entrance Examination)

Orissa Joint Entrance Examination is an entrance examination for admission into a number of professional courses like engineering, medical, pharmacy, management, Computer applications, architecture, and hotel management etc in the professional colleges of Orissa.

21. PTU CET( Punjab Technical University Combined Entrance Test)

Punjab Technical University (PTU) Jalandhar (Punjab) conducts a Combined Entrance Test (CET) for admission into undergraduate programs for engineering, architecture and pharmacy courses in the colleges affiliated to Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjabi University, Patiala

22. GUJCET (Gujarat Common Entrance Test)

Gujarat Common Entrance Test is entrance examination for admission into first-year degree programs of engineering / technology / pharmacy / medical sciences.GUJCET is common entrance test for students who have completed class 12th or equivalent examination with physics, chemistry, biology / mathematics.

23. KEAM(Kerala Engineering, Agriculture And Medical Entrance Exam)

Kerala Engineering, Agriculture And Medical Entrance Exam (KEAM) is conducted on the behalf of the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala for admission into first-year degree programs of engineering / agriculture / medical / architecture.

24. MHT-CET( Maharashtra-Common entrance test)

Common entrance test-Maharashtra (MHT-CET 2012) is conducted by Directorate of Technical Education, and Director, Medical Education and Research, Mumbai, Government of Maharashtra, for all health sciences, Engineering and Pharmacy degree courses.

25. COMEDK(Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka)

Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka  (COMED-K) Undergraduate Entrance Test (COMEDK 2012 UGET) is a competitive entrance test, students seeking their admission to various undergraduate level programs in the fields of medical, dental and engineering in Karnataka have to appear in the entrance test.

26.CUSAT-CAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology)

Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT 2012), popularly known as CUSAT is an entrance examination for admission in to undergraduate level programs in the field of engineering, science and law, conducted by the University.

27. GCET (Goa Common Entrance Test)

Goa Common Entrance Test is conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Goa for admission into bachelor degree programs in Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Dentistry and Pharmacy conducted by various government / government aided and private colleges / institutes in Goa. The admission test for B Arch is held at Goa College of Architecture, Panaji and Government Polytechnic, Panaji.