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MBA Entrance Exams



MBA - Master of Business Administration is one of the respected degree in management field.To get admissions into the top management institute to pursue MBA, one has to take up MBA entrance exams that are conducted all over India. Top MBA institutes in India include IIMs, FMS, IIFT and more.
Find the top MBA/Management Entrance Exams in India

1. CAT

Common Admission Test 2012 (CAT 2012) is an all-India test conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), to ger admission in top  B-schools of India.


IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) conducts OPENMAT for admission into its several Post Graduate (PG) Management Programmes. IGNOU conducts OPENMAT twice a year in February & August months.


National Management Aptitude Test (NMAT 2012) is an online entrance test conducted by Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) for admission in to Master of Business Administration.

4. XAT

XAT 2012 - XLRI Admission Test is competitive examination conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur India for admission into management programs. This exam is conducted by the Xavier Labour Research Institute in Jamshedpur which is otherwise called XLRI.


Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) conducts an entrance exame for admission into its 2-year residential Post-Graduate Programme in Rural Management (PRM) and Fellow Programme in Rural Management (FPRM) program.




Uttar Pradesh Management Common Aptitude Test (UPMCAT) is conducted for admission to the 2 year regular MBA / MMS / MIBM / MMEM / MTM / MCM / MFC management courses provided at University departments, government and private institutions of Uttar Pradesh.

7. FMS

FMS entrance exam is conducted by Faculty of Management Studies institute, Delhi University


IBSAT 2012 2012 is an aptitude test conducted by the Federation of Universities (FedUni), for students seeking admission into the management programs offered by Institute of Business Studies, Hyderabad.


ICET-2012 is an Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET) for admission into MBA and MCA courses of all universities in Andhra Pradesh and their affiliated colleges.

10. JMET

Joint Management Entrance Test 2012 (JMET 2012) is an all-India entrance test conducted by Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) for admission to the 2-years full-time Postgraduate Degree Programmes in Management.


Himachal Pradesh Combined Management Aptitude Test (HP-CMAT) is conducted for the admission to Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme for all the universities/Institutions affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University.

12. MAT

MAT- Management Aptitude Test is an All India Entrance Examination for admission into MBA and Post Graduate Diploma programs offered by different institutes.

13. RMAT

The Rajasthan Management Aptitude Test (RMAT) is conducted for the admission into the two-year MBA course for state Management Institutions of Rajasthan.

14. GMAT

Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT 2012) is the standardized test required for doing MBA or PhD in Business Management or any other graduate management programmes from a business school in US, Europe and Canada.


Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board conducts Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GUJCET) every year for admission in to the bachelor's degree program in Medical, Pharmacy and Engineering to be offered by various government/government aided, universities and private colleges/institutes across Gujarat.

16. MH CET

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHCET) is conducted by  The Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra for admissions into b-schools in Maharashtra for management courses offered in government, university managed,university departments and unaided institutes in the state.

17. SNAP

Symbiosis National Aptitude Test(SNAP) is a mandatory written test for admission into any postgraduate programme at Symbiosis. However, it is only the first step. In addition, a candidate has to undergo the selection process of the desired Institute to qualify for the admission to the Post-Graduate programme of that Institute.

18. KMAT

Karnataka Management Admission Test (KMAT) is conducted by Karnataka Postgraduate Colleges’ Association (KPPGCA)  for admission into Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Computer Application (MCA) programs.

19. ATMA

AIMS Test for Management Admissions entrance exam is conducted by AIMS for admission  in to the  MBA  /  PGDM  and  other Postgraduate  Programs like MCA  on All India  Basis.

20. IIFT

The IIFT 2012 Entrance Exam is conducted by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade for the admission of students into the MBA (IB) Degree courses that are being offered at the campuses of Delhi and Kolkata.