Notes and Study Materials

Physical Design - Database Design Process



Physical design is the process of determining the data storage organization and data access characteristics of the database in order to ensure its integrity, security, and performance. This is the last stage in the database design process. Physical design could become a very technical job that affects not only the accessibility of the data in the storage device(s) but also the performance of the system.


The physical design stage is composed of the following steps.

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Database Design Strategies




There are two classical approaches to database design:

 • Top-down design starts by identifying the data sets and then defines the data elements for each of those sets. This process involves the identification of different entity types and the definition of each entity’s attributes.

• Bottom-up design first identifies the data elements (items) and then groups them together in data sets. In other words, it first defines attributes, and then groups them to form entities.

The two approaches are illustrated in the following Figure:

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Structural dependence



A file system exhibits structural dependence, which means that access to a file is dependent on its structure. For example, adding a customer date-of-birth field to the CUSTOMER, Given this change, none of the previous programs will work with the new CUSTOMER file structure. Therefore, all of the file system programs must be modified to conform to the new file structure. In short, because the file system application programs are affected by change in the file structure, they exhibit structural dependence. Conversely, structural independence exists when it is possible to make changes in the file structure without affecting the application program’s ability to access the data.

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Transaction and Its Properties





In database terms, a transaction is any action that reads from and/or writes to a database. A transaction may consist of a simple SELECT statement to generate a list of table contents; it may consist of a series of related UPDATE statements to change the values of attributes in various tables; it may consist of a series of INSERT statements to add rows to one or more tables, or it may consist of a combination of SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT statements.

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The Transaction Log



A DBMS uses a transaction log to keep track of all transactions that update the database. The information stored in this log is used by the DBMS for a recovery requirement triggered by a ROLLBACK statement, a program’s abnormal termination, or a system failure such as a network discrepancy or a disk crash. Some RDBMSs use the transaction log to recover a database forward to a currently consistent state. After a server failure, for example, Oracle automatically rolls back uncommitted transactions and rolls forward transactions that were committed but not yet written to the physical database.

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Concurrency Control Problems



The coordination of the simultaneous execution of transactions in a multiuser database system is known as concurrency control. The objective of concurrency control is to ensure the serializability of transactions in a multiuser database environment. Concurrency control is important because the simultaneous execution of transactions over a shared database can create several data integrity and consistency problems. The three main problems are lost updates, uncommitted data, and inconsistent retrievals.


1. Lost Updates:

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The Scheduler and its Functions

You now know that severe problems can arise when two or more concurrent transactions are executed. You also know that a database transaction involves a series of database I/O operations that take the database from one consistent state to another. Finally, you know that database consistency can be ensured only before and after the execution of transactions.

  • A database always moves through an unavoidable temporary state of inconsistency during a transaction’s execution if such transaction updates multiple tables/rows. (If the transaction contains only one update, then there is no temporary inconsistency.) That temporary inconsistency exists because a computer executes the operations serially, one after another. During this serial process, the isolation property of transactions prevents them from accessing the data not yet released by other transactions.
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